At Motiv8sports, we create high-energy sports camps, clinics, and parties designed to inspire kids through fun, teamwork, and creative gameplay. Our unique approach blends multiple sports with music, challenges, and non-stop excitement, ensuring every child feels like a superstar.
Motiv8sports brings action-packed, high-energy sports camps to kids all across Australia. Find your nearest location and give your child an unforgettable experience filled with fun, teamwork, and confidence-building activities!
At Motiv8sports, your child’s safety and enjoyment are our top priorities. Our coaches are fully trained, hold valid Working with Children Checks, and follow strict child protection policies to create a fun, inclusive, and secure environment.
Motiv8sports reserves the right to send children home from camp who do not meet our strict code of conduct. Children are informed of the Motiv8sports rules & expectations on Day 1 of every event. A copy of our camp rules and culture can be obtained at any time by contacting your nearest location.
2. Working with Children
Motiv8sports is committed to providing a safe environment for all campers, customers, students, visitors and staff. This policy enables Motiv8sports to meet the legislative requirements of the various Australian States & Territories as they relate to employees/contractors or students who are likely to engage in direct-contact activities with children throughout the period of their employment or experience with Motiv8sports.
2.1 Objective
The objectives of this policy are to:
a) ensure the safety of children at all Motiv8sports events;
b) ensure the suitability of employees/contractors, job applicants and franchisees for direct contact with children as part of their employment or business operations;
c) prevent people with a criminal history which affects their suitability to work with children, from working in child-related employment or participating in any way in Motiv8sports events.
Relevant employees/contractors and franchisees, as defined by the scope of this policy, must undergo a Working with Children Check (or it’s equivalent) as a means of ensuring that the above objectives are met.
2.2 Scope
The Working with Children requirements apply to all:
(a) prospective employees/contractors/franchisees whose role may require direct contact with a child.
(b) persons involved in any event where direct contact with a child may be necessary or required.
2.3 State and Territory Legislative Requirements
There is no single national system setting out the requirements for obtaining a Working with Children Check (WWC Check) or its equivalent. Each State and Territory has their own legislative requirements (except Tasmania) and it is necessary to fulfil the requirements in the jurisdiction in which you are working or operating in. As legislative requirements may change from time to time, it is important that employees/contractors and franchisees remain abreast of such developments, and ensure their continued compliance with the applicable requirements.
2.4 Related Legislation:
NSW – Child Protection (Working with Children) Act 2012
VIC – Working with Children Act 2005
QLD – Commission for Children and Young People and Child Guardian Act 2000
WA – Working with Children Check (Criminal Record Checking) Act 2004
SA – Children’s Protection Act 1993
NT – Care and Protection of Children Act 2007
2.5 Requirements
(a) All employment, franchise and business operations within Motiv8sports include instances requiring the work with or instruction of children. Working with children could include camp, clinic, tournament, party or in school event coaching, instruction, leadership or facilitation of customers, staff or students who are under the age of 18. As such, a successful WWC Check (or its equivalent) is a condition of employment, ownership or any form of involvement at these events and must be submitted to Motiv8sports and the employer for the period of any employment/involvement within any and all Motiv8sports business units and franchise operations.
(b) Any employee, franchisee or volunteer who is not able to produce or maintain a successful WWC Check will not be permitted to have any involvement within Motiv8sports, or its affiliates, franchises and business units, requiring them to be able to work with or instruction of children. In these instances, the individual is unable to meet the requirements for employment with Motiv8sports.
(c) If an individual is found to have misled Motiv8sports regarding their WWC Check status (i.e. using falsified documents to claim legal ability to work with children when this is not the case), they may be terminated immediately and, in the case of a franchisee, subject to immediate termination of the franchise agreement and enforcement of all relevant termination clauses.
2.6 Employee / Franchisee Requirements
(a) As all roles within Motiv8sports involve students and children who may be under the age of 18, it is a condition of employment that those who are working in a role involving any form of contact in an instructional, teaching, coaching, tuition or counselling/advisory capacity or in roles specified by this policy must successfully undergo a Working with Children Check (WWC Check) or its equivalent as per legislative requirements.
(b) All offers of employment for roles of this nature will be offered subject to those individuals obtaining a WWC Check. It is the responsibility of the prospective employee/contractor to apply for their WWC Check and cover the cost prior to commencement of their employment.
(c) Upon commencement, evidence of application or proof of a successful check must be produced to the employee’s direct manager/franchise owner and to Motiv8 Central. Evidence of completed checks must be produced prior to the employee commencing duties involving unsupervised contact with students. In instances where an application has been made but the completed check has not been received, employees must be supervised during face-to-face contact with students under 18 years of age.
(d) All employees/franchisees must advise Motiv8sports of any change to the status of their WWC Check as soon as possible. Failure to adhere to the applicable requirements may be considered misconduct and may result in disciplinary action. If an employee/contractor is found to have misled Motiv8sports regarding their WWC Check status (e.g. using falsified documents), this may result in immediate termination of contract.
2.7 Exemptions
a) Persons under the age of 18 are not subject to the Working with Children requirements however they are still required to conduct themselves having regard to the safety of all children and adhere to the provisions in paragraph 3
Note: If that person turns 18 during the period of their employment/studies, then they must make application at the soonest practicable date once they turn 18. They will not be permitted to undertake unsupervised activities with children until a successful WWC Check is supplied.
3. Child Protection
3.1 Motiv8sports is committed to protecting children attending our events and any other children with whom our franchisees, coaches, leaders and staff come into direct contact with. Motiv8sports strives to provide a child safe environment at all times and this policy aims to provide certainty about what are acceptable standards of behaviour when working with children. This policy will support all staff to work in a way that supports the safety, welfare and wellbeing of children at all times.
3.2 All franchisees, employees and volunteers of Motiv8sports must abide by this Code of Conduct, which requires them to:
Commit to conduct themselves a positive role model to children.
Read, understand and comply with organisational policy and guidelines around the safety of children as outlined in the Motiv8sports Policies
Follow relevant local, state and national laws pertaining to working with children, including reportable conduct obligations and mandatory reporting requirements.
Be respectful of children’s rights, background, culture and beliefs as set out in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Ensure adequate supervision of children as defined by the Education and Care National Laws and Regulations.
Safeguard children at all times and not place a child at risk of abuse or condone behaviour of children which is unsafe.
Treat all children with respect and act in a way that does not show unfair differential treatment, or favour particular children to the exclusion of others.
Avoid one-on-one situations with children, by ensuring that there is always another staff member or other children present. If an unavoidable situation arises then communicate with other staff about the situation.
Always act in the best interest of children and avoid any unnecessary or potentially harmful physical contact with children, unless necessary for their safety and wellbeing. Physical contact is required on occasions, however Motiv8sports will not allow children to sit on laps, and will encourage children to carry out tasks of a personal nature (such as toileting and dressing) for themselves.
Be careful when participating in or supervising sports and games that the activity does not have the potential to cause harm or injury. This includes being mindful of the child’s age, development and any illness, injury or special needs that could place them at risk. Refer to the risk assessments for each sport.
Not physically punish a child and ensure that any restraint of a child is only used for protecting the child or another person from physical harm, and conforms to industry and agency standards regarding the use of restraint with children.
Use appropriate language for the age and understanding of the child and avoid confusing or age-inappropriate discussions with sexual, discriminatory or violent references.
Avoid any actions or words intended to threaten, intimidate, shame, humiliate, belittle, embarrass or degrade children.
Maintain professional and courteous relationships with children and their families which do not exploit or abuse position.
Wherever possible turn off personal communication devices and not use them whilst supervising children, unless previously approved or in an emergency situation.
Only photograph children appropriately for the circumstances and with the necessary consent of the child/ and his/her parents/guardians.
Not expose children to inappropriate imagery, including on age-inappropriate websites, for any reason.
Use social media appropriately and not engage in social networking with any children who have attended events under the age of 16 or their siblings.
Be aware of, and act on, any specific health issues with children in our care, particularly any medical and dietary specifications.
Give medication to children in accordance with the medication policy and as detailed by the Education and care National Laws and regulations.
Not attend work affected by illegal drugs or alcohol, consume them whilst at any event or supply them to children in my care.
Not attend work adversely affected by prescription medication which might cause harm to any children in my care.
Not smoke whilst on duty.
Declare all secondary work that involves children who attend Motiv8sports events (e.g. babysitting) and any out of work contact with children and their families met through the workplace.
Report any concerning staff conduct towards children or any suspected risk of harm to a child to the Camp Director or Head Office.
Ensure that any breaches of this code of conduct will be reported to the Camp Director
4. First Aid
4.1. First Aid facilities must be provided at all Motiv8sports events for the welfare and safety of children attending and those at the workplace. Such facilities include appropriate arrangements for providing and accessing first aid materials and treatment. Each location is different, therefore first aid requirements will vary. By identifying all reasonably foreseeable hazards and understanding the level of risk associated with those hazards, using our standard risk assessment procedures, it is possible to determine the first aid equipment, facilities and trained personnel required at each event. This process is known as Risk Management.
4.2. The First Aid Code of Practice refers to those persons trained in first aid procedures as ‘first aiders’.
4.3. First aiders should hold nationally recognised Statement/s of Attainment issued by a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) for the nationally endorsed first aid unit/s of competency. First aiders should attend training on a regular basis to refresh their first aid knowledge and skills and to confirm their competence to provide first aid. First aid personnel undertake initial management of injuries and illnesses consistent with their level of training and competence.
4.4.Ideally all staff will possess a current First Aid Certificate and each camp director must always be accredited in First Aid.
4.5.Most Motiv8sports events will be considered low risk and as such the First Aid Code of Practice provides the following guidelines:
one first aider for 10 to 50 people on site (staff, students and others e.g. volunteers)
two first aiders for 51 to 100, and an additional first aider for every additional 100 on site.
4.6. What is a low risk situation – Staff, students and others (e.g. volunteers) are not exposed to hazards that could result in serious injury or illness that would require immediate medical treatment, and the event is located with timely access to medical or ambulance services.
4.7. First Aiders should:
provide initial management of injuries and illness. Ongoing care should be provided by a medical practitioner/ambulance service.
recommend and maintain contents of first aid kits and first aid rooms/areas
ensure all first aid kits are fully stocked with all items “in date” and readily accessible at all times
maintain currency of certification:
first aid certificates are only valid for a determined period, usually one year.
the validity of some first aid certificates may be subject to specific requirements (e.g. refresher courses or evidence of proficiency in cardiopulmonary resuscitation every 12 months).
certification should be renewed prior to expiry.
be made aware of specific hazards, the associated injuries or illnesses, and the first aid required for such injuries and/or illnesses for any children highlight the potential risks on their registration forms
undertake additional first aid training if needed e.g. administration of emergency medications – required for the emergency first-aid treatment of medical conditions such as asthma, anaphylaxis and diabetes. g. Asthma First Aid Training / Anaphylaxis Awareness and Management Training
first aiders should be instructed not to exceed their training and expertise in first aid.
5. Parent Communication
5.1. The nature of our business requires us to be pro-active in all communication with parents and all participants acknowledge that this is an essential safety control.
5.2. Reasons for contacting a parent
Injuries – if a child is injured in any way it is imperative a parent is contacted immediately.
Behavioural Issues – for the welfare and enjoyment of your coaches, staff and the other campers if a child has been repeatedly spoken to for poor behaviour we will endeavour to contact the parent, explaining the behaviour is not to the standard we expect at Motiv8sports and asking them to please come and pick up the offending camper. If necessary and at the discretion of Motiv8sports we may choose to provide a full refund of any monies paid, or a partial refund for the time remaining.
Bathroom Incidents – in the case that a younger camper has a bathroom accident it may be necessary to phone a parent and ask them to bring a clean set of clothes. In these cases we will endeavour to ensure the camper is supported, does not feel embarrassed and the situation is handled professionally.
6. Bullying
Motiv8sports is committed to providing an environment that is free from bullying. We understand that bullying has the potential to result in significant negative consequences for an individual’s health and wellbeing, and we regard bullying in all forms as unacceptable at our events.
Bullying is characterised by repeated, unreasonable behaviour directed at a child, or group of children, that creates a risk to health and safety. Bullying behaviour is that which a reasonable person in the circumstances would expect to victimise, humiliate, undermine, threaten, degrade, offend or intimidate a person. Bullying behaviour can include actions of an individual or group. Motive8sports is the sole determinator of behaviour that constitutes bullying.
7. Picking up and dropping off children
Motiv8sports is committed to providing a safe environment for the participation of children and young people. Part of this is ensuring that children and young people are not left alone after any of our events. We will not permit any child to leave any event without the supervision of a parent or guardian.
What we will do
Make sure parents/guardians and children know the time and location of all events and when they can expect to drop off and collect their children.Request coaches and other personnel arrive before scheduled event commencement times.Maintain a register of parent/guardian emergency contact numbers and ensure camp directors have access to a phoneEnsure that if parents/guardians are late, directors and/or coaches will try to make contact with them and ensure more than one coach remains with the child until he/she is picked up
What we ask you to do
Pick your children up on time or make other arrangements.Inform the camp director about any changes in arrangements for picking up your child.
Motiv8sports reserves the right to pass on staffing costs if coaches are required to stay with children in excess of 15 minutes after event pick up times.
8. Refunds and Cancellations
Multi-sports Camps – Motiv8sports reserves the right to charge a cancellation fee of $20 if a cancellation is made within 48 hours of the 8.30am start time of any camp. We trust you understand that to operate successfully our staffing is based on accurate attendee numbers to maintain our coach to camper required ratios.
VIP XMAS BBQ – The Motiv8sports XMAS VIP BBQ 1-Day event held in December each year is non-refundable.
Sports Parties – In the event that a cancellation is made on a Sports Birthday Party booking the following cancellation fees apply:
Cancellation = $50 admin & party pack fee
Less than 2-weeks notice = $100 cancellation fee
Less than 1-week = No refund available
Tournaments – Tournament bookings are non refundable. In the event that bad weather prevents a tournament from proceeding on its intended date/s, the tournament will be rescheduled and all attendees notified and credited their attendance on the new date/s.
All refunds and cancellation fees are at the sole discretion of Motiv8sports and its franchisees.
9. Parental Waiver and Consent
By completing the registration form as the parent or legal guardian of the child named, I hereby give my full consent and approval for my child to participate in the Motiv8sports designated event.
I understand that there are certain risks of injury inherent in the practice and play of sport, and other related activities incidental to my child’s participation, and I am willing to assume these risks on behalf of my child. I hereby certify that my child is fully capable of participating in the designated sport and that my child is healthy and has no physical or mental disabilities or infirmities that would restrict full participation in these activities, except as listed in the registration form.
In addition to giving my full consent for my child’s participation, I do hereby waive, release and hold harmless Motiv8sports, its officers, coaches, sponsors, supervisors, and representatives for any injury that may be suffered by my child in the normal course of participation in the designated event and the activities incidental thereto, whether the result of negligence or any other cause.
10. Vouchers and Promotional Codes
Government vouchers and promotional codes may only be redeemed against specified tickets at the discretion of Motiv8sports and its franchisees